#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim:et:sw=4 ts=4 # servermenu_pl - an server menu example client for LCDproc # Displays some server stats: mem, cpu, local time # and offers the possibility to shutdown the machine via # the buttons. # Copyright GPL 2005, Guido Socher use IO::Socket; use Getopt::Std; use Fcntl; use strict; use vars qw($opt_h); # my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "localhost", # this machine, PeerPort => 13666 ) || die "Cannot connect to LCDd\n"; # sub help(); sub catch_sig(); sub mem(); sub cpu(); sub date(); # getopts("h")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help.\n"; help() if ($opt_h); if ($> > 0){ print "Warning: shutdown will not work if you do not start this script as root\n"; } # Make sure our messages get there right away $remote->autoflush(1); sleep 1; # Give server time to notice us... # initialize print $remote "hello\n"; # you must always read the answer from LCDd even if you do not need it # otherwise select will not work as expected: my $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # Set up some screen widgets... print $remote "client_set name servermenu\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response print $remote "screen_add scr1\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response print $remote "widget_add scr1 str1 string\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response print $remote "widget_add scr1 str2 string\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response print $remote "client_add_key A\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response print $remote "client_add_key C\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response # my $rin=''; my $timeout=10; # seconds my $timeleft; my $rout; my $nfound; my $str1; # 2 line display, line 1 my $str2; # 2 line display, line 2 my $i=0; my $keya=0; my $keyc=0; my $shutdownmenustate=0; my $runshutdown=0; my $timeoutmenu=0; # while($runshutdown==0) { vec($rin,fileno($remote),1)=1; ($nfound,$timeleft) = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout); if ($nfound){ # data is available $lcdresponse = <$remote>; $keya=0;$keyc=0; $keya=1 if ($lcdresponse && $lcdresponse=~/key A/); $keyc=1 if ($lcdresponse && $lcdresponse=~/key C/); } # the lower black key was pressed once, show shutdown menu: if ($keyc && $shutdownmenustate==0){ $shutdownmenustate=1; $timeoutmenu=0; $str1="shutdown? yes"; $str2=" no"; $keyc=0; $keya=0; } if ($keya && $shutdownmenustate==1){ # yes pressed, run shutdown $shutdownmenustate=2; $runshutdown=1; $timeoutmenu=0; $str1="shutdown ...."; $str2=" "; $keya=0; } if ($keyc && $shutdownmenustate==1){ # no pressed, exit menu $shutdownmenustate=0; $timeoutmenu=0; $keyc=0; } $timeoutmenu++ if ($shutdownmenustate); # timeout: if ($timeoutmenu>3){ $shutdownmenustate=0; $timeoutmenu=0; } if ($shutdownmenustate==0){ # no shutdown menu, show system information ($str1,$str2)=date() if ($i==0); ($str1,$str2)=mem() if ($i==1); ($str1,$str2)=cpu() if ($i==2); } print $remote "widget_set scr1 str1 1 1 \"$str1\"\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response print $remote "widget_set scr1 str2 1 2 \"$str2\"\n"; $lcdresponse = <$remote>; # read and ignore response $i++; # go from 0 to 2 all the time $i=0 if ($i>2); } # run the "shutdown -h" command: system("shutdown -h now"); # -------- end of main prog # sub mem(){ # return mem and swap my $mem="mem: undef"; my $swap="swp: undef"; my ($tot,$used,$percentused); # parse the following output: # free # total used free shared buffers cached # Mem: 289196 172536 116660 0 8472 84684 # -/+ buffers/cache: 79380 209816 # Swap: 297160 0 297160 open(PIPE,"free |")||die; while(){ if (/Mem:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/){ $tot=$1;$used=$2; $percentused=int (($used/$tot) * 100); $mem=sprintf("mem: %.1fMb %d%%",$used/1000,$percentused); } if (/Swap:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/){ $tot=$1;$used=$2; $percentused=int (($used/$tot) * 100); $swap=sprintf("swp: %.1fMb %d%%",$used/1000,$percentused); } } return($mem,$swap); } # sub cpu(){ # return load averages = num of processes in run queue my $load="undef"; my $uptime=`uptime`; if ($uptime=~/load average:\s?([\d\. ,]+)/){ $load=$1; } return("load averages",$load); } # sub date(){ #return a date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm format my $date; my @ltime; @ltime = localtime; $date=sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", 1900+$ltime[5],$ltime[4]+1,$ltime[3],$ltime[2],$ltime[1],$ltime[0]); return(" time ",$date); } # sub help(){ print "servermenu_pl -- an LCDd client for the lcdproc software USAGE: servermenu_pl [-h] This program shows stats about mem, swap, localtime, load averages and offers the possibility to shutdown the server from the buttons on the pannel. OPTIONS: -h this help \n"; exit(0); }