Do magic with images on the shell
ArticleCategory: [Es gibt verschiedene Artikel Kategorien]
AuthorImage:[Ein Bild von Dir]
TranslationInfo:[Autor und Übersetzer]
original in en Katja
AboutTheAuthor:[Eine kleine Biographie über den
Katja is the German editor of LinuxFocus. She likes Tux, film
& photography and the sea. Her homepage can be found here.
Abstract:[Hier sollte eine kleine Zusammenfassung stehen]
In this article we look at some spells the wizard of ImageMagick
can do using a collection of graphic tools as his raw ingredients
and the shell as his magic wand.
ArticleIllustration:[Das Titelbild des Artikels]
Doing magic
In the olden times wizards took their raw ingredients, mixed
them together in a big pot, swang their magic wand, murmured their
spells... and suddenly someone was turned into a frog. In our
modern times wizards are like everyone else in society highly
specialised and their spell books only contain a few useful spells
for very specific tasks. So ImageMagick is no spell book for
general use. In many aspects it can't compete with The Gimp or many
other graphic programs but it has some specialised features
that are very useful.
Its real strength lies in
the possibility to automate a lot of its processes when working
with it on the shell.
But before we are going to divulge some spells to you let's have a
quick look at the raw ingredients first:
The raw ingredients
or What is ImageMagick?
ImageMagick is a collection of graphic tools to work with images.
The tools are display, import, animate, montage, convert, mogrify,
identify and combine.
Display: If you type "display &" a display window appears
and you can work directly on the image. Via the menu you can open
a file, save or delete it, flip or rotate, make changes to the
colour or apply certain effects, e.g. implode, emboss the picture,
put a frame around it and more.
With Import you can make screen shots of the entire screen
or of certain images or windows.
Animate is a tool for animation. You can select a series of
images to be displayed one after the other or you can view an
animated gif image with it.
With Montage you can e.g. create a tiled image or get an
image where you can see all single images that an animated gif
consists of.
Convert is a very powerful tool. You can convert an image
into another format e.g. a gif image into a jpg image or the other
way round, you can change the size of an image and also apply a lot
of other effects, characoal, on the images.
Mogrify is very similar to convert with the big difference
that with mogrify you overwrite the current image while with
convert and the other tools you have to specify a file where the
changed image is saved in. Therefore I almost never use it.
Identify gives you information about the image like its
geometry, size, name, format etc.
Combine combines two or more images to another image. You
can for example put a logo on every image.
To use the tools you type in the name of the tool, followed by the
option you want to use, the image that is to be manipulated and the
filename where you want to save the changed image in.
E.g. if you want to characoal tux1.gif with a factor of 3 and save
it into tux1characoal.gif you will write:
convert -characoal 3 tux1.gif tux1characoal.gif
After this look at the raw ingredients let's now try some spells:
Some Spells
Changing the height and width of your images
Imagine you have a pile of images with the latest victims that you
turned into a frog and want to put them on your webpage. In order
to reduce loading time you want to make your images smaller.
With the convert tool you can make your images bigger or smaller or
you can generate thumbnails.
The command
convert -geometry 60x80 image.gif out.gif
scales the image image.gif to a width of 60 and a height of 80 and
writes the resulting image to out.gif.
To give all our images e.g. a height and width of 80 in one go you
can write:
for f in $* ;do
convert -geometry 80x80 $f t_$f
echo "<a href=\"$f\"><img src=\"t_$f\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\"></a>"
# end of script
(Type this lines into any text editor of your choice (vi, emacs,
nedit, kedit...) and save it under mksmallimage in your home
directory. Then go to the bash shell and type
chmod 755 /home/katja/mksmallimage
(use the name of your home directory instead of katja) Then you can
use the script by typing /home/katja/mksmallimage xxx.jpg *.gif It
converts all gif files plus the xxx.jpg file.)
Creating overview pictures
You have a CD with a collection of all the people you turned into
frogs in the last couple of years. Now your rivaling wizard who is
very jealous of you wants the proof that you even turned his dog
into a frog ones. And now you spend the whole day looking for that
photo. This could have been avoided if you had had an overview
picture with all the pictures on your CD. With ImageMagick it's
very easy to create one:
display "vid:*.jpg"
This will generate a visual image directory of all your jpg images
in the current directory. Or:
display "vid:frog/*"
will generate a visual image directory of all your images in your
With a right mouse click on any of the images you get a menu where
you can select "Load" to see the image in its full size.
This is a very easy way to create an overview picture but
depending on your computer it takes time for the visual image
directory to be generated and it consumes a lot of memory if you
have a large number of images. Therefore we will write a little
htmlthumbnails script now which is a little bit less demanding in
that respect and then build a webpage where you can click on any of
the thumbnails and get the original image.
The html code for this would look as follows:
<a href="file.gif"><img src="t_file.gif" width="60" height="80"></a>
The original file here is file.gif and the thumbnail is t_file.gif.
Now we write a script that will generate the thumbnails and write
the html code for us.
for f in $* ;do
convert -geometry 80x80 $f t_$f
echo "<a href=\"$f\"><img src=\"t_$f\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\">"
The above script will loop over all images as specified on the
command line, generate the thumbnails and write the html code to
the screen. We can then copy and paste the html code into our
For a complete shell script we add some help text and error
checking. Here is our final shell script, called htmlthumbnails :
(html for viewing), htmlthumbnails
(text for download)
Changing the image format
Convert can not only change the size of an image but the format as
well. E.g. you can change a gif image to jpg or the other way
round. The command to do this is simply:
convert image.gif image.jpg
Convert knows from the extension of the file name which format it
has to use.
To change the image format from jpg to gif for a lot of images use:
for f in $* ;do
if echo "$f" | grep -i "jpg$" > /dev/null ; then
gif=`echo "$f" | sed 's/jpg$/gif/i'`
echo "converting $f to $gif ..."
convert 80x80 $f $gif
echo echo "$f is not a jpg file, ignored"
There is also quite a large number of other formats that Image
Magick knows as well.
Putting a logo into all your pictures
We would like to add a litte logo like the one you can see on the
right to a number of images.
This logo should be a small transparent gif image. Our logo should
be placed like a little signature in the lower right corner in the
final image as you can see in the following Tux image:
What is the command to do this?
The combine tool can be used to combine 2 images into a new one.
Several options tell the program how to do it:
combine -gravity SouthEast -compose Over img.jpg logo.gif stamp_img.jpg
The option "gravity SouthEast" puts the logo.gif in the lower right
corner. "compose Over" says that we will replace the image by the
logo in the places where they overlap.
To get a fully functional shell script we put the command into a
for-loop and again add some help text and error checking. Here is
our final shell script, called stampimages :
(html for viewing), stampimages (text for
Getting information of picture properties
Identify displays details about the type of your images, their size
and geometry. This looks e.g as follows:
identify image.jpg
results in
image.jpg 340x254 DirectClass 13939b JPEG 0.1u 0:01
What can our wizard do with it? Well, to design good webpages that
will display images while the page is still loading you should
specify the exact geometry for all images. The html code would e.g
look like this:
<img src="image.jpg" width="340" height="254" alt="[sample picture]">
When our images have different sizes and we don't know the exact
height and width of each of them we can use identify to help us. We
write a shell script that will read the output of "identify" and
then print this line. The geometry of the image is the second
parameter in the output string of the identify program. To get this
parameter we use the command awk:
identify image.jpg | awk '{print $2}'
results in
Now we have to split the geometry in width and height. This can be
done with:
echo 340x254 | sed 's/[^0-9]/ /g' | awk '{print $1}'
which would give the width. The height can be obtained with:
echo 340x254 | sed 's/[^0-9]/ /g' | awk '{print $2}'
Don't focus too much on the exact shell commands. If you don't
understand them completely yet then just accept them as given.
There will be an article about shell programming in the next issue
of LinuxFocus where we will explain all of its magic. The final
shell script looks as follows:
geometry=`identify $file | awk '{print $2}'`
# geometry can be 563x144+0+0 or 75x98
# we need to get rid of the plus (+) and the x characters:
width=`echo $geometry | sed 's/[^0-9]/ /g' | awk '{print $1}'`
height=`echo $geometry | sed 's/[^0-9]/ /g' | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "<img src=\"$file\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\">"
To get the complete shell script we again add a help text and some
error checking. Here is our final shell script, called imgsrcline :
(html for viewing), imgsrcline (text for
While playing with ImageMagick I found that there is sometimes
a discrepancy between the documentation and the actual functionality.
Some features are also not very stable. However
if you stick to the things that were demonstrated above then
you will see that it is useful. The functions listed above do work.
I used ImageMagick-4.2.9 , ImageMagick-5.2.9 and ImageMagick-5.3.0
and the things you learned here do work across all these versions.
I hope you got an idea now what you can do with ImageMagick and
will use the scripts or even start creating your own spells.
Have fun!
- Installation: Probably ImageMagick is already installed on
your system as it is usually included in all common Linux
distributions. But in case it is not or you want a newer version
you can download it from:
- For more information about the tools of ImageMagick you can
consult the man pages (e.g. type man convert to find out more
about the convert tool) or read the same text on their webpage.
- If you are not familiar with shell programming yet just let
google search for bash and you should find several tutorials
about shell programming that will suit your needs. Or you can
wait until the next issue of LinuxFocus and read an article about
Shell Programming there.